Sunday, November 20, 2005

Christmas Reindeer (Caribou)

Christmas Reindeer (Caribou) - Title: Caribou, Alternative Title: (Reindeer), Creator: Biggins, Dean, Source: WO3772-023, Publisher: U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Contributor: DIVISION OF PUBLIC AFFAIRS

The reindeer (Rangifer tarandus), also known as the caribou, is a deer from the Arctic and Subarctic, including both resident and migratory populations. While overall widespread and numerous, some of its subspecies are rare. Reindeer vary considerably in color and size. Both sexes grow antlers, though they are typically larger in males.

Language: EN - ENGLISH, Rights: (public domain), Audience: (general), Subject: mammals, wildlife, animals, bull, Alaska. Format: JPEG image (image/jpeg). Depth: Full Color.

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Christmas Reindeer (Caribou)

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1 comment:

edlorens said...

Nice picture. Thank you. Also, the commentary/information section is a valuable addition.
Photo is of such type, that provides a lot of room for Christmas overlays or best wishes. All the best. Great work and public assistance.

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